Don Hummer Trucking

Right Turn Squeeze Safety

Posted on July 6, 2016 at 11:03 AM by Blog Committee

Don Hummer professional drivers make hundreds of safe right turns every month. However, right turn accidents do occur when drivers do not follow safe right turn procedures.    


Common right turn collisions include:

  • Sideswiping a vehicle while swinging wide to negotiate the tight turn.
  • Head-on collisions with oncoming traffic while swinging wide.
  • Collisions with parked cars, fixed objects or pedestrians when cutting the corner too tightly.
  • Right turn squeezes – colliding with a car that tries to sneak past you on the right when swinging wide.

The following are best practices for making a right turn safely:

  • Get in the right lane in advance of the turn.
  • Use your turn signal
  • Check behind you. You need to know where the vehicles behind you and to the side of you are in case they try to pass during your turn.
  • Slow down to the appropriate speed and utilize the proper gear - 3rd or 4th. Stop if traffic controls require you to do so.
  • Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Yield to oncoming and cross traffic. If you cannot make the turn without others having to slow or change lanes, wait for a larger opening in traffic. Remember, it can take 15 seconds or longer to move through an intersection from a stop.
  • Keep the rear of your trailer close enough to the right curb or parked vehicles to prevent another vehicle from passing you on the right.
  • Make your turn without crossing the center line of the lane you are leaving, and without entering into the oncoming traffic lanes of the road you are entering.
  • If you must leave your lane to negotiate the turn, it is generally better to stay in the lane you are coming from and swing wide into the lane you are turning into.
  • Do not turn into the lane until oncoming traffic has passed.
  • If you get “caught” while swinging into the lane of oncoming traffic, yield and let the opposing traffic pass around you. Backing during a turn is never an option, as it is difficult to see vehicles behind you, and they are expecting you to go forward.
  • During the turn, keep monitoring your mirrors, looking for vehicles that may try to pass on either side.
  • Professional drivers should use caution and follow best practices when making right turns to ensure they are made safely.
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